About Bible Magic Cards
- Gospel Magician Hanyeol x Tobe Story
Working as a gospel magician, 'Isn't there an easy way for anyone to do gospel magic?' I was worried about that. In the midst of long consideration, we collaborated with Tove Story, a Christian fancy stationery company, to create a 'gospel magic card' that can be used for fellowship and evangelism at church schools. Introducing the Bible Magic Card, which uses various and lively Bible characters from Tove Story!
The Bible Magic Card allows you to perform three magical magics using cards. You can learn knowledge about various Bible characters and pass it on to others. In addition, it is a magic card for education and evangelism that can convey the message of the gospel, the core of Christianity, through magic.
*type of magic
You can learn a total of three types of magic (Why Jesus Came, Learn Bible Characters, and Jesus Card).
(This is a demonstration video of one of the three magic tricks, learning Bible characters.)
Card size and configuration
Poker size 63*88
Consists of 26 magic cards (17 Bible character cards + 4 Jesus k cards + 5 special cards) and 1 lecture video QR card
+Lecture video You can learn three types of magic (learning Bible characters, Jesus card, and why Jesus came) through the QR card. *Easy to learn from elementary school students to adults
+Each Bible character card has <Who? Who? There is a QR code where you can see Bible People>, so you can see the words of the Bible character for about 3 to 5 minutes.
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Like the Abraham card, each character card has a QR code.
Please click the video below.
Tove Story Video Link (Abraham)
card material
The card is made by WJPC, and the surface of the card is treated with an air cushion finish on triple compressed paper, a special paper used for magic cards and high-quality trump cards.

card design
bible character card
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jesus k card
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special card
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card back
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card case
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