* 제품구성 : DVD, 트릭카드 4장(낱장)


Back in the early 1980s Richard Kaufman, Derek Dingle and Ken Krenzel created Holy P.O.D., a visual version of Alex Elmsleys classic Point of Departure, from a card change effect idea by Gerard Majax.

And now Pete Firman and Anthony Owen have brought it bang into the 21st century with...


A stunningly visual piece of modern card magic
- Jeff McBride

- Andy Nyman

This is one of the best vanishes of a single playing card I have ever seen!
- Marc Paul

With this trick even I could get a TV series!
- John Archer

Ive been doing Holy P.O.D. since I first read it in Richards Almanac. Its one of the hidden gems of card magic and its a real shame that everyone is about to know about it again thanks to Holy Sh*t! Not only is this an excellent version of this effect, but it completely fooled me the first time I saw it. And the second. And the third. Dont buy it - I want it for myself....
- Paul Wilson

Was I surprised? Yes. Was I fooled? Yes. Do I know how he did it? No. Did I make the mistake of betting Pete five bucks that I could dope out the method before he showed me the trick? Yes. Do I have that five bucks? No. Did Pete just call Rocco over to break my legs? Yes.
- David Acer

Watch it with your fingers on the rewind button because the first time around youll think you missed something. It really is a fooler. The selected card just disappears and there not a steal in sight. Definitely the most baffling version Ive seen.
- David Britland

What will your audience say?

Comes complete with the special gimmicked Bicycle playing cards and instructional DVD hosted by Pete Firman, star of TVs Monkey Magic, Dirty Tricks, The Secret World of Magic and The Greatest Magic Tricks in the Universe Ever.

Warning: This DVD contains some foul language and may not be appropriate for all audiences

Running Time Approximately 33min